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You’ve seen a genuinely happy person before.

It’s that person that never seems to run out of kindness, and can always find a way to smile no matter how bad their day has been.

It’s the person that can find the humor in any situation, even if it means laughing at themselves when they mess up.

Or it’s that person you know that’s unfailingly optimistic, and can always find a silver lining to focus on.

We all know a person like this, and many of us may find them to be completely confusing, or even mystifying.

And yet, we can’t stop ourselves from wondering: what makes a happy person, well, happy?

Is it some magical gene that we missed?

Is it something they put in their coffee every morning?

Or is there more to it than meets the eye? Something deeper, and more meaningful?

As it turns out, happiness is more of a habit than you may realize, rather than just a temporary feeling.

Actually, it’s more of a collection of habits.

If you’re wanting to cultivate more happiness in your life, and also wanting to find out what makes a genuinely happy person “tick,” look no further than these 13 habits.

13 Habits of Genuinely Happy People

1. They nurture meaningful relationships with others. Truly happy people invest both time and energy into their closest relationships. They realize the importance of having a solid system of support, and they’re always ready to help their friends out. They know that without rich, healthy relationships like these, life wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding or fulfilling.

2. They realize that quality matters over quantity. Whether it’s the number of friends they have, the number of times they’ve taken a vacation, or how they exercise, truly happy people realize that quality matters far more than quantity. They know that happiness doesn’t come from amassing more “stuff” than everyone else; rather, it comes from the quality and value of what they already have.

3. They know how toxic grudges are, and choose to let go of them. Grudges are toxic to your mental health and well-being for a number of reasons, and happy people know this. They don’t want to waste their time or energy being dragged down by a grudge, and choose instead to let go of them and move on.

4. They’re productive with their time. Interestingly enough this is also a common habit of confident people. Happy people are productive with their time because they know that when they accomplish what they set out to do, they feel both fulfilled and successful, which bolsters their confidence. This confidence, in turn, gives them a sense of both self-assurance and contentment.

5. They focus on what’s most important. Happy people know that too many things are well beyond their control in this life, and so they choose to not sweat the small stuff. Instead, they choose to focus on what they do have control over, and they know how to prioritize what is most important in life, such as their family, their job, or their significant other.

6. They rejoice in others’ successes. Truly happy people are secure and confident in themselves, meaning that they don’t need to tear others down to build themselves up. They would rather celebrate others’ accomplishments and rejoice in their happiness, instead of negatively comparing themselves to others, or criticizing their choices.

7. They know that a healthy body nourishes a healthy mind and spirit. People that are happy take care of themselves physically, and not just because of those feel-good endorphins that come with the exercise. They know that the physical state of the body has an inherent connection with one’s mental health and well-being, and so they make the time to workout and take care of their health.

8. They make gratitude a lifestyle. Studies have shown again and again just how pivotal gratitude is to one’s happiness. Truly happy people don’t lust after what they don’t have, nor do they covet what’s not theirs; instead, they show gratitude for the things they already have. A genuinely happy person knows that true happiness cannot be cultivated simply by gratifying or indulging their self, and so they look to the things that they have that they’re thankful for. Whether it’s their loving spouse, their supportive network of friends, or even the roof over their head, they count their blessings and express gratitude.

9. They don’t look to external sources to bring them happiness. A genuinely happy person knows that happiness that comes from external sources is fleeting and unsustainable. Happy people look to themselves to achieve true happiness, and realize that happiness is something that can only come from within. They make the choice daily to choose optimism over pessimism, self-love over self-loathing, and kindness over hatred. Consistent choices like these are what cultivates true, sustained happiness.

10. They know that personal growth can only be achieved by stepping out of their comfort zone. While it’s all too easy to stay in one’s comfort zone, doing so blocks our personal growth and fulfillment. Happy people realize this, and while it may be hard at first to leave what’s most familiar behind, they know that fulfillment and success are completely dependent upon stepping out of their comfort zone. They know the end result is always worth the effort.

11. They see personal flaws and shortcomings as areas for improvement. Happy people do not look at others as being responsible for their own problems; they know that playing the blame game is a means of avoiding the truth. Rather, they see their own personal flaws and shortcomings as opportunities for improvement, and actively find ways to improve these areas.

12. They see issues not as problems, but as challenges. For the happiest people out there, problems do not exist, but challenges do. Happy people see challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, and to come out as a stronger person. They know that challenges are integral to their own growth and learning, and consequently do not avoid them, but rather embrace challenges as they come their way.

13. They use optimism as a guiding light. A truly happy person sees optimism as not only a shield against a pessimistic attitude, but also as a light to guide them through their darkest moments. They know that optimism and positivity directly counteract their fears, and that these are their best weapons against even the most difficult challenges or trying situations.


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