signs you're a rebound

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When you start dating someone new, there are always a few red flags you should be on the lookout for. Maybe they’re annoyingly clingy or needy, or maybe they’re overly critical. Behaviors like these are fairly obvious and easy for us to pick up on.

However, there are other, subtler signs that often point to greater underlying issues. These behaviors may make you wonder if you’re just a rebound while they try to get over their ex, and whether the relationship is really meant to last.

Luckily, there are a few signs you can easily keep an eye out for to know whether you’re a rebound or not. Here are 6 signs to help you determine whether you’re someone else’s rebound.

6 Signs You’re Someone Else’s Rebound

1. Things have been on the fast track since you met. Have you noticed that things are moving much faster than normal since you’ve been with this person? It may feel like things between you aren’t evolving naturally as they would in a healthily paced relationship, or that they’re just so wrapped up in you that they’re trying to rush things along. If you feel this is the case, remember that things should be moving at a pace you feel comfortable with. Don’t let them pull you along at their breakneck pace.

2. They talk about their ex A LOT more than they should. As time goes on, it’s normal to an extent to bring up an ex every now and then, but for some reason, it seems like this person just can’t get away from the topic of their ex. If your partner is consistently bringing up their ex, this means that they are still thinking about them way too much to be with anyone else, and that you’re just a rebound.

3. They’re unable to explain why things ended with their ex. Does your partner seem to be somewhat confused when asked why their last relationship ended? Do they even express shock over the entire breakup? If so, it’s likely they have not experienced enough closure to move forward, and they may still even be in denial.

4. They seem to be a little too absorbed with you. When the two of you met, you may have noticed that your partner didn’t just jump in; rather, he or she plunged into the relationship. They may even act like they’re already in love with you, or even call you The One, though you just met a couple of days ago (or even a few minutes ago). Be careful if you’re noticing this behavior. It’s likely you’re their rebound.

5. They act like the two of you have been together for much longer than you really have. It may be that they’ve already assigned you to which side of the bed you should sleep on, or perhaps there are already a number of “inside” jokes they’re referring to with you. Whatever the reason, it seems like this person wants to act like a long-term couple rather than the new person they’re dating. If you see patterns like these, it’s likely they’re trying to continue their old relationship routines from their ex, and you’re just the rebound to fit into that routine.

6. Their behaviors give you a sense of whiplash. Sometimes they’re incredibly lovey-dovey with you, and at other times they’re cold and distant. You find yourself having a hard time determining why they’re acting this way, but then all of a sudden they’re so nice it makes you forget their less-than-favorable behaviors. If your partner is inexplicably hot and cold, it’s likely they’re still trying to cope with their breakup, and that you’re just the rebound that’s been caught in the crossfire.

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