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When was the last time you felt comfortable enough to where you didn’t care about what someone else said about you? Or when was the last time you made a decision where you didn’t second-guess yourself, and you felt confident about the choice you had made?

When you’re truly comfortable with who you are, you don’t need others’ approval for what you say and do.  You don’t need to have your decisions validated, and you don’t feel the need to try to impress others.  When you’re comfortable in your own skin, you accept who you are–flaws and all.

Getting to this point though is easier said than done.  A lot of us (myself included) still struggle to feel comfortable in our skin.  However, there are some tips you can employ to learn this skill, and make it a regular habit in your life.

Learn how to feel more comfortable in your own skin with these 6 tips.

6 Ways to Be More Comfortable in Your Own Skin

1. Learn to love your time alone. For many of us, the thought of spending time alone with ourselves is a little, well, daunting. Spending time alone though offers many healthful benefits. Not only does solitude build mental strength, it also helps you to know yourself better. How? Being alone allows you to make choices for yourself without any external influences, which allows you to learn more about yourself, and hence helps you to be more comfortable with who you are.

Related: How to Make the Most of Your Time Spent Alone

2. Start paying attention to how you talk to and about yourself. When you listen to your inner dialogue, or when you talk to yourself, what do you tell yourself? Are you encouraging and positive? Or are you critical and negative? How we talk to ourselves and about ourselves can either push us forward and enhance our self-esteem, or it can chip away at our sense of self-worth and hold us back. Check your inner dialogue and use positive self-talk to your advantage.

3. Give yourself a break from social media. I’m always touting the many benefits of doing a social media detox, but if you really want to be more comfortable with who you are as a person, take a break from social media and focus on your own life for a bit, rather than being sucked into the newsfeeds of other peoples’ lives. It’s all too easy to fall into the comparison game with social media, and to convince ourselves that we’re just not good enough. Try taking a week long break from social media. Not only will you find it easier to stop caring about what other people think about you, but you’ll also find that it’s much easier to instead focus on your own personal development and self-improvement without it.

4. Embrace your values and live in alignment with them. What is most important to you in your life? Is it your career? Your relationships? Dedicating yourself to lifelong learning? Take some time to identify what you value most. Your life and what you do every day should reflect what is most important to you. Live in alignment with these values, and never compromise them. Staying true to who you are is key to being comfortable in your own skin.

5. Nourish your body. We often set unattainable standards when it comes to our bodies. We may feel pressured to look a certain way or to be at a certain weight, and deprive our bodies of what they actually need to be healthy and nourished. Your body is your temple, and if you don’t take care of it, your mind and spirit will undoubtedly suffer. Nourish your body by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and yes-indulging yourself every so often! Rather than trying to manipulate and change your body into something it’s not, learn to appreciate your body and all that it does for you every day.

6. Love what makes you unique. Take a few moments to identify what unique strengths and qualities you have. Maybe you’re an exceptionally motivated, driven person. Or maybe you’re wonderful at understanding other people and showing empathy. Or maybe you’re a creative problem solver that can find solutions to complex issues. Whatever it is that you know you’re good at, embrace it. Flaunt it. Use it to your every advantage. Love what makes you unique and sets you apart.

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