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The greatest obstacle we’ll ever face when it comes to being happy, is ourselves. 

Only we can take responsibilities for the lives we’re living, and only we can determine our happiness. 

That being said, there are a lot of mental roadblocks that contribute to our inability to find happiness. 

Removing these roadblocks won’t require huge, radical changes in your life. However, by simply identifying these potential roadblocks, we can bring more awareness to them, which is sometimes all it takes when it comes to bringing about positive changes. 

Related: 13 Habits of Genuinely Happy People

Learn which 6 things are holding you back from being truly happy. 

6 Things That Are Holding You Back From Being Happy

1. Running away from problems/challenges. Life is already challenging enough, but we often make it harder than it needs to be. We find excuses. We give into our fears. We choose the easier route because we fear failure. Stop avoiding these challenges and face them head on. It’s not always easy, but it’s always more fulfilling and rewarding. 

2. Choosing excuses over execution. Some of our greatest long-term failures are a result of our never-ending stream of excuses. Stop making excuses, and make a decision now that you are going to act on. 

3. Your need to always feel in control. We often fool ourselves into thinking that we can control everything that happens in our lives, when in reality, we have very little control. The one thing we do have power over, however, is our reaction and what we make of situations. Stop trying to control everyone and everything. Focus on you and how you can make the most of it.   

4. Your past. We have all made mistakes. We have all failed. However, holding onto these failures in our minds only holds us back from achieving what we really want. Let go of your past. All that matters is what you do with today. 

5. Others’ opinions about you, your choices, and your life. No matter what you say, do, or believe, people are always going to have an opinion about you. What matters is not what they think about you, but what you think about yourself. Are you going to let them determine your self-worth and value? Or are you going to finally do what you want to do?

6. Not having clear and tangible goals. So much of the time we struggle to find our direction, simply because we don’t know what we really want. Take some time to identify what your goals are, and distill them down into clear, doable steps. You’ll find it’s much easier to know where you’re going when you know what it is you really want. 

Related: 8 Steps to Set Meaningful Goals You’ll Stick To

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