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Though I have since moved back to the USA, moving abroad was one of the best decisions I ever made. I grew in ways I could have never imagined, and learned far more about Australia than I could have learned from any book available. One of my favorite quotes perfectly encapsulates the inherent risk of not traveling, and what you’ll lose if you don’t go beyond your comfort zone:

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”

For those of you who have ever wondered what it is like to live abroad, specifically in Australia, read on to find out 47 things I learned from living abroad:

  1. Toilets really do flush the other way south of the Equator.
  2. When someone says they’re “in the toilet,” don’t take it literally. It just means they’re in the bathroom.
  3. When in doubt, listen more than you speak.
  4. A picture never does a view justice, no matter how many you take.
  5. When they drive on the other side of the road, that usually means they walk on the other side of the sidewalk, too.
  6. Getting in on the right side of the car as a passenger is a near impossible habit to break.
  7. Walking through a city is the best way to learn about it.
  8. Americans don’t walk enough.
  9. No guide, book, or online research will teach you as much about a culture as living there will.
  10. Living abroad makes you appreciate your home in ways you never could or would have otherwise.
  11. Tim Tams really are a staple.
  12. So is Vegemite.
  13. Homesickness hits in unpredictable, always unexpected ways.
  14. Water taxis are a real thing.
  15. Kangaroos hop across the road with their little joeys in their pouches, no big deal.
  16. Australia has an excellent health care system (America’s is f**ked).
  17. Those in the Australian military actually make a very good living.
  18. Don’t dress up for Halloween there (unless you like to be the only bunny-costumed weirdo on the train).
  19. Australia has some of the world’s most beautiful, pristine beaches.
  20. The Great Barrier Reef really is dying out. If this is on your bucket list to see, tick off this item soon!
  21. When you feel a chill from the south, it’s what Aussies refer to as “Southerly Winds” blowing up from Antarctica.
  22. America may have a lot of areas for improvement, but theme parks are not one of them.
  23. Men’s shorts are a lot shorter there (just go see an AFL, or Australian Football League game).
  24. Formal balls are a still a thing (yay for wearing gowns beyond high school prom days).
  25. Sydney’s Vivid Lighting Festival feels more like Christmas there than when it’s actually Christmas there.
  26. Climbing the harbor bridge in Sydney may be one of the top 5 things you ever do in life.
  27. You may think America has a pretty strong and sophisticated coffee culture, but wait until you try Australia’s coffee.
  28. “Afternoon tea,” or “tea time” at any point in the day is customary/normal.
  29. Aussie accents vary in strength. Some may have a weaker accent and sound more English, while others may be so thick you could need a translator.
  30. Hunter Valley wines rival those of Napa Valley’s.
  31. Think of every time you address someone as “man” (e.g., “hey, man”). Substitute “mate” for “man,” and you could pass yourself off as an Aussie.
  32. Some of the best places to shop for women’s clothing are actually underground in the train station shops.
  33. Aussies really do love Americans. Just ask any one of them!
  34. It’s ok to feel out of place at first. Humans are made to be adaptable, and it just takes time.
  35. I actually know very little about the whole world. I finally understand what it means to say, “the more I see, the less I know.”
  36. A smile is universally disarming.
  37. When you’re out of your comfort zone, you finally have the room to grow in ways you could have never imagined.
  38. No matter how many times you travel from Australia to central North America, a 16 hour flight is something you never “get used to.”
  39. And if you ever get food poisoning on that long flight, praying for the plane to crash is normal and temporary, so don’t worry (been there, done that).
  40. Aussies aren’t ashamed to save a few bucks when it comes to drinking. So grab a cheap bag of wine from a box, and join the other “goon sack” drinkers!
  41. And when they say they’re “on the piss,” it doesn’t mean that person is super ticked off, streaming up ungodly amounts of pee, or that they’re sitting in a puddle. It just means they’re somewhere on the spectrum of mildly buzzed to completely wasted.
  42. You can say “cheers” or “no worries” in literally ANY interaction to suffice for “please,” “thank you,” or other expressions of manners.
  43. Aussies don’t like to wear shoes of any kind, especially in public places.
  44. Sandals don’t exist there. Only thongs.
  45. It’s fairly normal to eat kangaroo meat. Supposedly it’s leaner than beef.
  46. Australian beef rivals beef from the Midwest (though it’s hard for this native Midwesterner to admit!).
  47. Once you decide to move overseas and change your life, finding ways to say “yes” to more life-changing experiences becomes a lot easier!

It's time to cross the Great Barrier Reef off your bucket list. Learn More!

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