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At some point or another in our lives, it’s inevitable that we will face burnout.

Burnout is something that we rarely see coming, especially if we’re over-achievers that believe we can do everything if we just “work harder.”

We tend to overlook the little things that add up over time that ultimately lead to our burnout, whether it’s working consistently long hours, always taking on additional projects, or putting overwhelming amounts of pressure on ourselves.

Most of us don’t realize we’re burnt out until it’s too late and it hits us like a freight train. If you’re worried that you’re headed towards burnout, or that you’re already there, use these signs to determine if you’re burnt out and need a change.

8 Signs You’re Burnt Out and Need a Change

1. You can’t remember the last time you felt motivated. If you’ve been feeling more unmotivated than not these days, or if you just can’t remember the last time you felt inspired, this is a good sign that you’re facing burnout. You may know exactly what needs to be accomplished every day, but the drive to do it simply isn’t there.

6 Ways to Climb Out of a Funk.

2. Your self-talk has been consistently negative. Prolonged stress can have an overwhelmingly negative effect on us, especially when it comes to our self-talk. When we’re exhausted and burnt out, our minds typically become more pessimistic. We become harder on ourselves, we criticize ourselves more, and we’re unable to celebrate even the smallest of victories. If your negative self-talk has been pretty consistent now for some time, this is a good indicator that you are indeed burnt out.

3. Your fuse is and has been pretty darn short. Though we may not think that being stressed out for weeks or months on end can have that much of an effect on us, trust me, it does. When we’re burnt out, typically our fuse shortens to where we snap at others over the smallest of things. While it can’t be denied that some people are just generally annoying, if you find that you’re even more apt to snap these days and that it’s affecting your day-to-day mood, you’re most likely facing burnout.

4. You don’t have time to take care of yourself. Making the time to take care of yourself is essential to staving off symptoms of burnout, and if you’re finding that you just don’t have the time to practice self-care, it’s likely that you’re putting others’ needs ahead of your own. Give yourself the break you deserve and make time to take care of yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes in the morning to practice yoga, or a long walk over your lunch, regularly set aside the time you need to recharge your batteries. Otherwise, it’s likely you’ll suffer from burnout.

5. You’re getting sick more than usual.  When you’re continually battling stress, your immune system inevitably weakens over time, making it harder and harder to fend off illness. If you find yourself getting infections and colds more often, this is a telltale sign of burnout.

6. It’s been a lot harder to look on the bright side. When you’re burnt out, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a positive attitude and look on the bright side. You may find that you just can’t get excited about what usually brings you joy, or that rolling with the punches just seems impossible. If you’re suffering from burnout, it’s generally harder to pull yourself out of a negative mindset.

6 Ways to Stay Inspired and Motivated.

7. Your productivity and efficiency has suffered. Whether it’s your professional or personal life, you’re finding that your ability to be productive and efficient has been compromised. You may know exactly what tasks you need to accomplish, but you just can’t figure out how to get from point A to point B. If you’re having trouble finding the motivation to be productive, or that your sense of efficiency just isn’t there, it’s likely you’re facing burnout.

8. You can’t focus. Being chronically stressed will inevitably affect your ability to focus and pay attention. Why? When we’re stressed, we focus solely on the negative elements in our lives, which compromises our ability to focus on other things, like listening to a colleague’s presentation, or finishing up a task at work. When this stress is prolonged, this tunnel vision only persists, and our abilities to think creatively and problem-solve suffer. If this sounds familiar to you, you’re most likely facing burnout.

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