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Starting out a new relationship is typically one of the most enjoyable and exciting phases when it comes to being with someone else. 

It’s fun to discover another person’s likes and dislikes, their quirks, and what makes them smile. 

But as we get to know them really well, we may start to discover some of the habits we’re not so crazy about.

Maybe they slurp their food when they eat. Or maybe they’re picky when it comes to certain things. Maybe their tastes in movies clashes with our own. Whatever their quirks are, it becomes easier to overlook them when you really care about them, and especially when you love them. 

But what if some of their quirks and behaviors are, well, a little unhealthy? Or even downright wrong? 

There are definite signs along the way that tell us whether we should take things further with someone. 

Here are 6 relationship flags you should be on the lookout for. 

6 Relationship Flags to Watch Out For

1. You routinely censor your self-expression. Are you always second guessing what you’re saying and/or doing? Do you constantly stop yourself from expressing your true feelings? This is a red flag that you need to be mindful of in a relationship. Relationships are meant to provide a safe space for you and your partner to be honest and open with each other. But when you constantly feel like you’re censoring yourself, it’s hard to be the real “you,” and ultimately is self-compromising. 

2. The relationship is one-sided. Do you often feel as if the relationship swings more in favor of them, rather than striking a healthy balance between the two of you? A huge flag in relationships is when everything, from the most insignificant of conversations to the most momentous life events, is clearly about them, and not about you. This typically points to issues of narcissism, meaning that the other is incapable of showing empathy. Watch out for patterns like these, as they will only grind away at your own self-esteem and self-worth. 

3. They clearly and consistently lack maturity.  Has your partner consistently proven to be irresponsible, unreliable, unpredictable, and immature? This is one of the major relationship flags to be on the lookout for, particularly when they lack the maturity to realize that their words and actions affect others, mainly you. Don’t even try to stay in the relationship to “fix” them. Trust me, only the school of life can do that. 

4. There is always an underlying lack of trust. When someone else has trouble being honest with their own feelings, more than likely it will be difficult for them to be honest with you, too. When someone refuses to hold themselves accountable for their actions, they’re not respecting you. At times you may sense that there is something just “missing” in their story or in the way they communicate. This is definitely a relationship flag that indicates there will only be more issues ahead. 

5. They’re controlling. Does your significant other tend to push away other people that are important to you? Do they sometimes attempt to drive a wedge between you and others? This is a relationship flag to watch out for, as it usually indicates underlying issues of jealousy and a need to exert control. This can quickly encroach upon your life and ultimately compromise your relationships with others. Don’t fall for this behavior, especially if they try to convince you that their actions are out of love and concern for you. 

6. Your gut is telling you something is off. One of the very first things to be on the lookout for is far less visible, and actually lies in your gut. Does something just feel off? You may not be able to put your finger on it, but your intuition may be signaling to you that something is just not quite right. Your gut won’t lie to you. If you feel something is wrong, trust your gut. 

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