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Often it’s not just the relationship itself we’re left wondering about post break-up, but rather how the relationship ended. 

We may question what we said, how we said it, whether we were honest or had the right intentions behind our decision, etc. 

There really is no “right” way to end a relationship, but there are some tips you can utilize to make the actual break up a bit easier, as well as healthier.

Whether you’ve been in a relationship for three years, or just three weeks and want/need to call it quits, use these three tips to end the relationship in a way that’s healthy.

How to End a Relationship in a Way That’s Healthy

1. Communicate with honesty. As with any relationship, you should always strive to communicate with honesty, and be as direct as possible. A break-up isn’t the time to beat around the bush.  Your partner deserves to know the truth about how you feel, especially if things are ending. This way after the break up is said and done, you can be at peace with yourself knowing you were honest about your feelings and your decision, and they won’t be left in the dark. 

2. Respond with empathy. When it comes to ending a relationship, a little empathy can go a long ways when you communicate with your partner. Put yourself in their shoes: how would you want this conversation to go if you were on their end? Make every effort to show respect for their feelings, while also staying true to your own. 

3. Don’t ghost. While it may be tempting to stop communication altogether (aka “ghosting”), don’t do it, even if you did only see this other person for one date. Try to healthily close the door, and let them know that while you appreciated their time, you’re just not feelin’ it. For example, even a text like, “I had a great time with you, but I think I’m feeling more of a friend connection with you,” is better than ghosting. This way, you’re being honest about your feelings, while also showing respect for theirs. 

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