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For those of us that find the idea of “alone time” appalling, practicing self-care may seem like an impossible feat. 

Extroverted people are typically those that thrive in the company of others. They’re busy, vibrant people that would rather be with friends than spend time alone. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should neglect your self-care if you’re an extrovert.

Does this mean you need to force yourself to read a book in solitude? Or take long, quiet bubble baths?

Not at all!

Self-care encompasses a broad range of activities. If you’re an extroverted person, look no further than these 6 ideas to get you started on self-care. 

6 Self-Care Ideas for the Extroverted Person

1. Immerse yourself in one of your favorite activities. When you think of how you like to pass the time, what activities bring you the most joy? Maybe it’s antique shopping for an afternoon. Maybe it’s trying out a new restaurant with a friend. Or perhaps it’s shopping and finding something you can’t live without. Practice self-care and treat yourself to something you love doing. 

2. Enroll in a yoga or meditation class. If the thought of being alone and focusing on your breathing freaks you out, don’t worry-there’s an option for you. You can still glean a ton of self-care benefits from yoga and meditation in a class setting. Plus, you might even make some new friends!

3. Unwind with friends. If you’re an extrovert, then there’s a good chance that your friends are, too. And what’s more, it’s likely your friends share similar feelings about self-care. Getting together with friends is a great way to practice self-care as it allows you to unwind and let go. Maybe you need to vent to your pals about your hectic week, or maybe you need some advice about your job. There’s nothing as relaxing or restoring as seeing friends and being reminded of the people and relationships you value most. 

4. See a movie. At the end of an exhausting day or week, seeing other people may seem a bit overwhelming, while being home alone just sounds too sad. On days like this, try seeing a movie. Lose yourself in another setting and scenario and take your mind off your own life for a bit. Plus, you’ll be able to indulge yourself with all your favorite movie snacks. 

5. Go for a pedi date with a pal. Try pampering yourself for a bit with a pedi date. Bring along one of your friends and indulge yourself with a pedicure. 

6. Make someone else’s day. The idea of self-care can be misleading as it often connotes that self-care can only be achieved by indulging ourselves. In reality though, there is nothing quite as rewarding or fulfilling for us as helping others. Practice self-care by making someone else’s day. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, or go visit an elderly friend. Maybe you know someone that’s been in the hospital, so try brightening up their day by visiting them. It doesn’t have to be a huge, grand gesture. By simply giving up a little bit of your time and being there for someone else, you’ll find that you’re helping yourself, as well. 

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