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As a lifelong fan of hot, steamy showers, nothing sounds more miserable than standing under an icy cold tap.

However, research has shown that taking cold showers presents a number of physical and mental health benefits that far outweigh those of hot showers.

From Audrey Hepburn, who claimed that cold showers gave her an unparalleled amount of energy, to James Bond, who took cold showers to increase his alertness, cold showers have been a secret weapon of many for a variety of reasons.

So whether your hot water heater has stopped working, or if you’re always last in line to shower, or if you have an evil roommate that likes to flush the toilet when you shower and you’re wondering what positives there are (if any) of not having hot showers, here are 7 benefits of taking cold showers. You’re welcome.

7 Health Benefits of Cold Showers

1. Boosts your immunity. Studies have found that exposure to colder water temperatures actually increases the production of glutathione, an amino acid that aids the immune system and helps to detoxify the body. Plus, cold water stimulates the production of additional white blood cells: the body’s natural, first line of defense when it comes to fighting infection and disease.

2. Keeps skin hydrated and supple. While a long, hot shower can feel pretty amazing (especially at the end of a long day), the hot water definitely takes its toll on your skin over time. Hotter temperatures strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving skin dry and nutrient deprived. Cold water, on the other hand, helps to retain your skin’s natural moisture, while reducing inflammation.

3. Promotes anti-depressive effects. Cold showers can have a tremendous effect on your mood. The cold water can actually relieve depressive symptoms as a result of its intense interaction with the cold receptors on the skin. These receptors send powerful electrical impulses to the brain, inducing feel-good effects and lifting your overall mood.

4. Provides a natural source of energy. A cold shower can provide you with a natural source of energy for the day. How? When the cold water hits your skin, the shock your body receives increases your deep breathing and oxygen intake. This elevates your heart rate, and sends blood rushing throughout your entire body, increasing your alertness.

5. Improves circulation. Cold showers support and improve circulation by promoting blood flow. It also aids the arteries in pumping blood more effectively, promoting better heart health and lowering blood pressure.

6. Soothes muscle soreness. There’s a reason why athletes take ice baths after intense workouts. Cold temperatures can increase muscle recovery time and soothe overall muscle soreness. So the next time you have an intense workout at the gym, follow it up with a cold shower to speed up your recovery time.

7. Reduces anxiety. Taking a cold shower can actually increase your tolerance to stress by reducing the stress hormone, cortisol. Additionally, immersing yourself in cold water lowers your levels of uric acid while increasing glutathione levels, a combination that reduces your overall anxiety and stress levels.

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