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Are Your Friends Jealous of You? Learn the Signs and Psychology of Jealousy, and How to Deal with It

Simple Advice for the Chaotic Life
How do you deal with jealous friends? Learn how to look for the signs of jealousy, and what the psychological underpinnings of jealousy are.
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When life gets chaotic or we have a really bad day, the last thing we usually feel is thankful. We may find ourselves “going through the motions,” just trying to make it through the day. And the next day. And the next day. Many times I find myself asking the question: what is this all for? What am I working towards? Why?
It’s easy to lose sight of what’s most important in our lives, especially when we’re bogged down with the stressors of everyday life. Given all that we have to manage and deal with on a daily basis, it’s not surprising that we may feel like we are actually moving further and further away from our own goals and what we actually want to accomplish in this life, rather than moving towards successfully achieving these goals.
So how do we break the cycle and finally feel in control again? How do we begin to harness our innermost strengths, and empower ourselves to keep moving forward?
The answer lies in (and you may have guessed it) our attitude.
Our attitude and perspective on life is powerful. In fact, our attitude is so powerful that it can mean the difference between success and failure, if and how we grow from those heartbreaking setbacks, and whether or not we are happy with ourselves, and the lives we’re leading.
Changing our attitude is no easy feat though, especially when external factors (e.g., work, family drama, our children, our health, etc.) continue to be stressful or demanding.
So how exactly do we find calm amidst the chaos and refocus ourselves on what’s most important?
There is one, relatively painless way to guide yourself to a more peaceful place where you can refresh your perspective, and revitalize your outlook on life. It all begins with gratitude.
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
– William Arthur Ward.
Firstly: what does gratitude mean?
The definition of gratitude is the quality of being grateful, or readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Finding gratitude for the things we have in our life may be difficult at first, especially on those really bad days, but the results can be far reaching.
Gratitude is an attitude, and definitely one worth cultivating. Research has found time and again that expressing thanks can lead to a healthier, happier, and less stressful lifestyle.
But how exactly do we cultivate that attitude of gratitude? Below are the 5 most effective and efficient ways to give thanks for what we have.
1. Journal. Research has shown that writing down what we’re thankful for presents numerous wellness benefits. Just jotting down a few expressions of thanks and gratitude daily in a list can reinforce positive thinking. As humans, we’re wired to focus on what is going wrong; however, by focusing on what is good and what we are grateful for, we can turn our thinking around, and develop a more positive stream of thoughts.
2. Rethink how you use social media. Social media is an unavoidable entity in today’s world. However, there is a way we can use it positively. Try putting together an archive of previous posts with your social media accounts to pull from when you need a cue to be thankful. Look to happy memories and events, like when your first niece or nephew was born, or when you graduated from college, or your first date with your significant other. Utilizing this approach will prompt happy thoughts and memories, as well as gratitude for your experiences.
3. Use positive language. So much of the time we say before we think, and often those quick remarks are negative or unpleasant. This doesn’t include just the obvious gossip or talking badly about others, but also self-criticisms and/or complaining about whatever situation we’re in. This is an easy habit to develop, and an even harder one to break. Using negative language is a waste of time and energy, and blinds us from seeing all the good things in our lives. By shifting the focus in our everyday conversations from negative to positive, you will begin to see the emphasis in your own life shift from pessimistic to optimistic.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others. One effective way to be more thankful is to stop comparing yourself to others. Instead, focus on you and you alone. What are you skilled at? What unique passions do you have that set you apart from others? What makes you special? Give yourself daily affirmations of your unique qualities and gifts.
5. Take time to reflect. When life seems nonstop and chaotic, we tend to become victims of time, letting it fly by without giving much thought to how things are actually affecting us. Instead of just “going through the motions” though, take time to pause and think about how your day has unfolded. Think about the sweeter moments of the day. Maybe you met up with a friend for coffee and shared a good laugh. Maybe you finally completed an arduous project at work. Or maybe you received a text that made you smile at your phone. By acknowledging the good, joyous things in your life and reflecting upon them, finding gratitude and feeling thankful becomes a lot easier, and life becomes a lot more satisfying.
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In a relationship, you’re constantly learning about your partner. What they like and dislike, what their buttons are, how to read them, how they handle stress, how they communicate, etc. You won’t know all these things before saying “I do,” but learning these things makes every day together far more exciting as you find out these little intricacies along the way.
That being said, it doesn’t hurt to have a few solid tips when it comes to your relationship. Whether you and your partner have just started dating, or if you’ve been together for a few months, or even married for several years, these 14 habits will help to not only strengthen your relationship, but also keep it healthy.
1. Never stop dating your partner. No matter how long you’ve been together (one month, two years, a decade) always try to put the same amount of effort (if not more) into dates as you did in the beginning. Think about when you first started dating this person. Everything was new, fresh, and exciting. You invested tremendous time and effort into planning out an evening together, deciding what to wear, what perfume/cologne you should spritz on, etc. Now that you’re committed to one another, is it any less important that you try to please and impress them?
2. Never violate the trust of your spouse. When it comes to trust and transparency, the fewer secrets, the better. Trust is the most powerful glue in every relationship, and though it can take years to build, it only takes a few seconds to break it. Being honest with your partner, being transparent when you talk to each other –even in the seemingly harmless, day-to-day-interactions—will go miles in ensuring your trust in one another. When trust is violated, it can take a long time to repair the damage.
3. Show common courtesy. Though this may seem like a no-brainer, it’s an easy practice to forget. Simple phrases like “please,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry” all help to maintain healthy interactions. Putting a little effort into things like a phone call to say “I love you,” or leaving a note to let them know you went to grab groceries sustains mutual respect and thoughtfulness towards one another.
4. Tell them you love them several times daily. Though it can be easily assumed that you love the person you’re with, there is nothing like hearing someone say “I love you” to you to affirm not only that they love you, but also that you love them, too. Whether you leave them a note, make a call, send a text, or tell them verbally, make time to say those three important words several times a day.
5. Laugh at each other. By laugh at each other, I mean in a good-natured manner, and not in a condescending way. You don’t have to take each other too seriously all the time – where’s the fun in that? Let your guard down and poke fun at one another. Humor is the single most effective way to diffuse anger, to blow off steam, and to keep a positive perspective on life, even when it gets a little bumpy.
6. Do the things you love to do. While all relationships require a degree of dependence on each other, it’s important to maintain your own sense of independence. Make the time to do the things you love on your own. Hang out with your friends regularly, and go to your Zumba class with your workout buddy. Keep doing what you love to do.
7. Show your appreciation in at least one way daily. While verbalizing your appreciation for someone is important, it can mean that much more when you act on that appreciation. Whether it’s writing a card to let them know you care, making their favorite dinner, or surprising them with their favorite Starbucks latte one morning, take the time to let them know you thought of them.
8. Limit your social media use when it comes to your relationship. If you take a look at other couples on social media, you’ll quickly find trends that illuminate what the “perfect couple” looks like by today’s standards. It’s an easy habit to fall into to compare your relationship to others, especially the ones you see on Facebook or Instagram. That’s not what a real relationship looks like though, and it creates a false standard for couples today. Social media platforms have become the preferred choice of validating a person’s happiness when it comes to their relationships/personal life. However, research has found that couples that post less about their relationship on social media platforms are indeed happier. Happy, healthy couples do not need validation from others to know that they’re happy together, nor do they need to invest the time trying to create their image or brand as a couple on social media. So the next time you’re tempted to share a post about your relationship, think twice. Is it really worth it to delve into the details of your relationship with the world? Do you really need everyone’s approval or validation of what you’re doing or who you’re with?
9. Visit a new city (or country!) together. There’s something about sharing a new experience together that is both so completely immersive and eye opening. Being able to travel to a new place together, learning on the same level, and relying on other can bring you both closer together, and make you appreciate one another more.
10. Surprise each other. While honesty is always the best policy when it comes to a healthy relationship, it doesn’t hurt to plan a few surprises now and then. Finding ways to surprise your significant other can create the best memories. They’re also the perfect thought to bring to mind when things aren’t going as smoothly or you hit a rough patch with your partner. A positive thought or memory like this can quickly quell a negative one.
11. Set goals and hold each other accountable. One of the most rewarding things about being in a relationship is seeing your partner grow and reach the goals that they’ve set. What’s even more rewarding is helping them to reach those goals. Whether it’s trying to eat healthier, learning a new skill, earning that promotion, reaching a new personal record running a marathon, or learning how to be more patient, supporting your partner and helping them to reach those goals is critical in your growth as a couple.
12. Fight fairly. When it comes to fighting in a relationship, there are several negative tactics that we resort to when we’re angry. Contempt for the other, criticizing each other, getting defensive, or withdrawing from the other are all easy paths to take when our feelings are hurt, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead of resorting to one of these tactics, try to fight fairly. Focus on ‘I’ versus ‘You’ language, and look to see where you can take responsibility, too. Also, listen for areas in the argument where their goal overlaps with yours. Chances are, you both still fundamentally want the same things, and you can still find a way to that common ground.
13. Be a better listener. More often than not, fights and misunderstandings can be prevented if we merely listen to what the other is saying. When you spend so much time with another person, it becomes easy to tune them out because you assume that you know by now what their wants and needs are. Try to avoid making assumptions, and listen more to the underlying emotions being expressed than the actual content.
14. Frame your best memories. One way to measure the progress you’ve made as a couple is to memorialize momentous events in you lives. Reflect on how far you’ve come as a couple by framing your best, favorite memories.