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We all know that “nice girl” that seems to embody the epitome of kindness and generosity.

Maybe she’s that girl in class who always stops whatever she is doing to help someone else.

Maybe she’s your friend that you can always count on.

Maybe she’s that girl you know who can always find something positive to shed light on, no matter how bad things are.

Or perhaps she’s that girl that knows exactly what to say to anyone—even a perfect stranger — to make them feel better.

While the nice girl makes being nice look easy, it isn’t always easy to be her.

Trying to find the brighter things in life can actually get, well, a little exhausting. Not everyone reflects the same positivity and light back towards her, which can be thankless and draining.

And yet, no matter how harsh life can be towards her, she still somehow manages to find that silver lining that keeps her going, and her inner beauty and kindness remain as strong and bright as ever.

Being the nice girl can get a little lonely at times though, because not everyone understands why she is the way she is. To help you better understand the nice girl in your life, here are 10 things you should know about her.

10 Things You Should Know About the Nice Girl

1. She’s hardest on herself. Though the nice girl will always be unfailingly kind to everyone she comes across, she often doesn’t reserve kindness for herself. She’s overly hard on herself, and places an incredible amount of pressure on her choices and actions. While she’s comforted by the fact that she is always trying her best at everything she does, it gets exhausting analyzing every decision she’s faced with and, yes, even second guessing them.

2. She’s been used more times than she can count. A firm believer in putting good vibes out into the universe, the nice girl knows that it’s simply the right thing to do to always help others out. She also knows that, unfortunately, not everyone will reciprocate her kindness. She can’t even begin to count every instance where someone has taken advantage of her kindness or used her for their own benefit. Still, the nice girl knows that all these karma points add up, and she sleeps well every night knowing that she did the right thing by others, even if they did not do the right thing by her.

3. She knows she cares too much. Whether she’s been told by her closest friends, her mom, or her psychic, the nice girl is all too aware of how she cares too much. She cares too much about others’ feelings, their life choices, their health, their future, everything. If she’s too honest with you at times, it’s because she really does just care, and it’s always with good intentions.

4. She always puts others first, even when she needs help. The nice girl typically has a difficult time asking for help. She is used to being there for you whenever you need her, and she is happy to offer you her support. But, sometimes she struggles to ask for advice and help, and doesn’t want to bother you with her own problems. She knows that help is only a question away, but asking the question is exceptionally difficult for her.

5. She’s not as shy as you may think. While the nice girl may come off as a shy person initially, she’s actually quite outgoing and spirited. She doesn’t have any trouble making conversation with someone, no matter who they are or what they do. An empathetic person by nature, she understands the emotions of others, and knows how to make them feel both comfortable and at ease around her.

6. She puts her best face forward no matter what. You may think that the nice girl doesn’t struggle with self-doubts and worries, but she definitely has days where she struggles with her own insecurities. Despite this fact, you’ll never know that she is consumed with self-doubt at times, because she doesn’t want you to know or concern yourself with her own problems. She always puts her best face forward, no matter how hard it may be.

7. She is painfully aware of her own flaws. The nice girl may be slow to criticize others, choosing instead to focus on others’ strengths, but she is quick to note her own flaws and shortcomings. She firmly believes that any problems she has can be fixed by bettering herself, and never places blame with others for her own struggles.

8. She tries to make the world a better place in small ways. The nice girl is realistic in nature. She knows that while she may not impact the world as some of the greatest leaders have before her, she knows she can improve it in small ways. She is quick to care for others and show compassion, to be generous with her time and talents, and to always choose kindness over hate.

9. She wears her heart on her sleeve. When it comes to feelings and emotions, the nice girl is as transparent as glass, and definitely wears her heart on her sleeve. She is completely attuned to her own emotions, hence why she understands others so well. When she’s truly hurt or upset, she can’t cover it up. And when she’s happy or elated, she nearly overflows with joy and cheer.

10. She never wants to let you down. As an empathetic person, relationships are of the utmost importance to the nice girl. She’ll be your biggest cheerleader, the one you confide in, and the one whose shoulder you cry on. She takes all of her relationships seriously, and invests tremendous time and effort into all of them. The worst feeling she’ll ever have is that she let someone down, and she’ll go to exceptional lengths to prevent that from ever happening.

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