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We all have a picture of what the successful woman looks like.

She may be the well-known, “career woman,” who is all over her job like ants on a Popsicle.

Or she may be the woman that has successfully raised her kids to be hardworking and value-driven like herself.

Or she could be a blend of these two women, working a full-time job she’s passionate about, all the while successfully raising a family.

Or she may be someone who is simply content with where she is in life, and lives every day to the fullest.

The truth is, there are many versions of the successful woman, and many varying definitions as to what a successful woman looks like.

In spite of this, all successful women do have a few things in common, and by simply observing them, we can actually glean from them a few, valuable practices that will help us along the way to our own version of success.

Curious as to what they are? Here are the 10 habits of the successful woman.

 10 Habits of the Successful Woman

1. She makes both her personal and professional lives top priorities. The successful woman values both her personal and professional lives, and makes them top priorities. Whether she’s working hard towards a promotion at work, or making the time to go on regular date nights with her partner, she sets meaningful, quality goals in both realms. She knows that by keeping both in a healthy work-life balance, she ensures her own success.

2. She’s a believer in life-long learning. The successful woman is not afraid to admit that she doesn’t know everything; she knows she is not perfect. However, this doesn’t keep her from trying to learn as much as she can. She may seek a higher degree, take night classes, or she may always be online avidly researching and looking for answers. She knows that knowledge is power, and so she actively seeks out opportunities to learn more to make herself stronger, wiser, and ultimately more successful.

3. She practices self-respect. Much like the confident woman, the successful woman firmly believes in practicing self-respect. She knows her value, and doesn’t waste time on people that take her for granted, or on those who are merely sources of negative energy. She knows that if she doesn’t demonstrate how she wants to be treated, people will not show her the level of respect she deserves.

4. She believes in delayed gratification. The successful woman’s mantra is usually something to the effect of, “Good things come to those who wait,” and she embraces this belief to the fullest. She knows that if she earnestly tries her hardest every day with every challenge that is set before her, good things are sure to come her way, and that she can actually create her own luck. Whether it’s putting in the time towards her degree, or several years towards her promotion, or even saving up the money to start her own business, she knows that delayed gratification is well worth the wait.

5. She doesn’t waste time on negative self-comparisons. The successful woman knows that self-doubts and misgivings are the only things that are capable of holding her back, and so she doesn’t waste a moment of her time on comparing herself to others.   She is already her own harshest critic. However, instead of allowing that little voice in her head too hold her back, she checks her internal dialogue, and uses it as a means of providing positive affirmations, and positively building her self-image.

6. She makes the time to take care of herself. The successful woman knows that she needs to take care of herself if she’s going to be successful. She sees self-care as a practical art, and makes it a top priority. Whether it’s getting a pedicure after a long week, letting herself sleep in until noon on the weekends, or making the time for her favorite fitness class in the mornings, she indulges herself by taking care of her mind and body.

7. She pushes herself. This is a woman that isn’t afraid of a challenge, and wants to see just how far she can really go. She doesn’t see problems, only challenges, and embraces them to the fullest. She knows that the only person that can limit her growth and learning is herself, and so she actively pushes her own boundaries and seeks out challenges.

8. She doesn’t make time for drama. The successful woman knows that drama is not only a waste of time, but also a huge drain on her emotional stamina. She realizes that drama is a small-minded practice, and so she stays above it. She removes the negative sources of her energy from her life, relying instead on her positive, optimistic outlook as a means of motivation.

9. She sees her mistakes as valuable and essential lessons. She isn’t afraid of making a mistake, because she knows that they’re essential to her own personal growth. Instead, the successful woman embraces her mistakes and sees them as valuable, necessary life lessons. Without such mistakes, she knows she wouldn’t be nearly as strong or equipped to handle life’s greatest challenges.

10. She knows that living well is the best revenge. The successful woman is also a very wise woman. Rather than keeping score with those who have hurt her or criticized her mistakes along the way, she rises above their harsh words by simply living well. She knows that such criticisms are mere reflections of the negative source from which they arise, and so she doesn’t return them, nor does she wish ill on those sources. Instead, she continues to ensure her own happiness by living well and being successful, which really is the best (and healthiest) form of revenge.

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