how to stop racing thoughts

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Whether it’s replaying an awkward conversation we had with someone, agonizing over the past or a missed opportunity, or worrying about the future, we’ve all had racing thoughts where it feels like our minds paralyze us.

Racing thoughts are, to an extent, very normal. In fact, it’s estimated that we have anywhere between 40,000 to 60,000 thoughts daily, so it’s no wonder that for a lot of us, racing thoughts are routine to a degree.

However, a consistently racing mind of stressful thoughts, anxiety, and worries is not healthy, and can be mentally exhausting, especially if we let those thoughts consume our lives.

If you’re wondering how to calm a racing mind, whether it’s at night when you’re trying to sleep or on your way to work in the morning, there are a few simple techniques you can use.

Related: 10 Ways to Calm and Clear Your Mind Before Bed

Learn how to stop racing thoughts with these 6 tips.

6 Ways to Calm Racing Thoughts

1. Deepen your breathing. When we feel panicked and experience racing thoughts, we shift into fight-or-flight mode. Our hearts race, our vision narrows, our muscles tense up, and our breathing typically becomes shallow, meaning there is less oxygen entering into our brains. When this happens, our thoughts become even more erratic as a result of less oxygen. Counteract your body’s response to stress simply by breathing more deeply. Count to 5 as you inhale, and then count to 5 as you exhale. As your breathing slows and deepens, you’ll find that your thoughts slow and become less erratic.  

2. Make the choice to focus on the present moment – not the past or future. So much of the time our racing thoughts arise because we worry about something that has happened in the past, or something that could happen in the future. We work ourselves up over what we could have done differently, or what we should do. Make the choice to not think about the past or future, and instead focus on the present moment. Focus on what you do have control over right now.

3. Distract yourself. When we get caught up in a cycle of racing thoughts, we tend to forget the reality of the rest of our lives. We become mired in our thoughts and let them control our lives rather than the other way around. When you find your mind racing, distract your thoughts from the cycle. Call up a friend and catch up. Go on a brisk walk. Read a magazine. Do whatever you can to bring yourself back to the present moment. This way when you feel calmer and more collected, you can return to your worries with a clearer head.

4. Think of solutions, not problems.  If you’re wondering how you can stop your racing thoughts, try shifting your mindset a bit. Instead of letting your mind run wild with worst-case scenarios and harping on problems, think of potential solutions to your challenges, whether they’re real or fictitious challenges. By countering every negative problem with a solution, you’re actively taking a more positive approach to your racing thoughts. 

5. Diffuse lavender essential oil. Lavender has long been extolled for its calming benefits. In fact, this study found that lavender essential oil can actually calm the mind and brain activity.

6. Think of a time and place where you felt safe. Instead of immersing yourself in racing, stressful thoughts, take your mind elsewhere to a calmer, safer place. Maybe it’s your childhood home where you were raised. Maybe it’s your favorite vacation spot. Use your mind as the powerful tool it really is to immerse yourself in a place where you feel calm, safe, and relaxed. 

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