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We all go through episodes where we feel lost, or even purposeless, and we know that something in our lives needs to change.

It could be that your reliance on coffee or energy drinks to stay awake at work is forcing you to rethink your sleep schedule.

Or maybe you’ve let your personal life slide with the demands of your job, and you’re realizing you need to focus more on your most important relationships.

Or it could be something as serious as changing your career, or needing to make significant lifestyle changes for your health.

While not always immediately obvious, there are particular signs to look for that are pointing us in the direction of change, thereby forcing us to reassess our choices and priorities.

If you’re wondering whether you need to make a major change in your life, here are 6 telling signs.

6 Undeniable Signs That You Need to Change Your Life

1. You want out. Whether you’re stuck in a job you hate, or in a toxic relationship that makes you hate yourself, you want out.  You’d rather be anywhere but here, because staying where you are is both draining and changing you, and not for the better.

2. Where you’re at doesn’t resemble your dreams at all. You had a dream, and while you know your fairytale version of this dream is a stretch, where you’re at now doesn’t even remotely resemble what you want. No matter how hard you’re working at this, it seems like you’re actually pushing yourself further and further away from the things you want most.

3. You feel like you’re stuck in a permanent rut. We all get stuck in a life rut at some point, but it feels like your rut has become a permanent feature in your life. You may feel unable to motivate yourself at all these days, or that you’ve lost your purpose in life. And the worst part? You feel like you’ve lost all hope.

4. The end of the day is far better than the beginning. You dread getting up every day, and you can’t wait for every day to end.  You muddle through your days in a fog feeling trapped, or even like you’re suffocating.  Your only escape is daydreaming or dreaming at night, because any other alternate reality would be better than the one you’re in.

5. Your health has gone downhill. Getting the common cold or feeling generally blah is normal from time to time, but it seems like you’re always run down or getting sick these days. When it feels like you’re constantly fending off illness, don’t ignore your body. Your body is trying to tell you that something isn’t right in your life, and needs changing fast.

6. You can’t remember the last time you felt truly happy. All of us have bad days where happiness is the last emotion we feel. We may even have a string of bad days, or experience weeks on end where we’re stressed out and feel only negative emotions. However, you can’t remember the last time you felt truly happy. It may have been a number of weeks or months at this point, but you’re finding it harder and harder to enjoy the things that once made you happy.

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