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At some point during your twenties or thirties, you’re bound to experience your own version of a quarter-life crisis.

It could be that you’ve just realized you hate your job, and that you’re questioning your entire career now.

Or maybe you’ve just graduated and you’re realizing that your English major doesn’t exactly align with your dream job of becoming a marine biologist.

Perhaps you’ve been in a relationship for the past 5 years now, only to realize that it’s been going nowhere for the last 4.

Quarter-life crises are like this in that they can sneak up on you, smack you in the face, and make you question every decision you’ve ever made.

During your quarter-life crisis, nearly everything feels impossible. Even the simplest of tasks, like picking out your clothes for the day or deciding which brand of cereal to buy, can seem overwhelming.

While your quarter-life crisis may be one of the most difficult, challenging periods of your life, it can also be one of the best opportunities for amazing self-discovery, and a realization of your purpose.

However, it doesn’t hurt to have a little help in working through this stressful time.

If you’re going through a quarter-life crisis now, follow these steps to not only survive your quarter-life crisis, but also thrive during this reflective, pivotal chapter of your life.

10 Steps to Make the Most of Your Quarter-Life Crisis

1. Find your mentor. One of the most common quarter-life crisis misconceptions is that you’re all alone and no one can understand what you’re going through.  Everyone has gone through some version of a life crisis at some point, and you’d be surprised by how many people will actually open up about their own personal challenges when asked. Find your career mentor, or even your life coach to garner some insights and advice on how to handle your own personal challenges.

2. Look at your “crisis” as a period of transition. When you think of the word, “crisis,” disastrous images such as tsunamis and earthquakes come to mind. Rather than letting this seemingly catastrophic period of your life spell doom and gloom for you, try to see this as a major transition in your life.   One of my biggest life crises actually led to a pivotal self-discovery that forever changed the course of my life. It all comes down to your perspective and choosing to look at your horizon with optimism, rather than trepidation.

3. Get off social media. For the love of all that is good in this world, get off social media for a while, or ideally, do a social media detox. The last thing you need right now is a newsfeed about how much better other people are doing with their lives, and the temptation to compare yourself negatively to others. For tips on how to curb your social media use, check this article out.

4. Use your planner like your life depends on it. Staying on top of your schedule will help you feel less scatterbrained and more in control of your life. Things may feel like they’re spiraling out of control, but luckily for your planner you can keep track of other important things, like your get-together with friends this weekend that you can look forward to, or your due date for this month’s rent.

5. Focus on what’s meaningful to you. As you try to make sense of your quarter-life crisis, don’t let yourself get caught up in all the little details. Focus on your larger life goals, and pursue what you care about. Ask yourself, “What matters most to me?” Align yourself and your goals with this purpose. Focusing on your purpose will help you to mentally emphasize what matters most to you, while keeping the rest of your life details in perspective.

6. Lean on your support network. There’s no better time than now to utilize your support network. Your family and friends are there for you, and they can be a grounding force when it feels like life is all-too chaotic. Plus, it could very well be that your friends are going through their own version of their quarter-life crisis. There’s no better way to feel better about your circumstances than to commiserate with those who are also in the trenches.

7. Be realistic about your expectations. While we all wish we could be Wonder Woman or Superman when it comes to our quarter-life crisis, it’s impossible to fix every problem you have right away. As you set your goals, be sure to keep them grounded in practicality and reason. The last thing you need right now are goals that are completely unattainable, and ones that will ultimately end in disappointment.

8. Find comfort in the comedy.  There’s no better way to lift your mood than to laugh. Find comic relief in the company of your friends, or watch movies that are all about ridiculous crises (e.g., This is 40 or The Devil Wears Prada).

9. Channel your doubts towards actionable steps. One of the easiest things to do during your quarter-life crisis is to become paralyzed by that free-floating anxiety you feel. Instead, turn your self-doubts into action.  Stay busy and channel your fears and doubts into positive energy. Read a self-help book, sign up for a new fitness class, or even attend a cool conference. Do the things that motivate and excite you, rather than letting your doubts hold you back.

10. Take care. During my quarter-life crisis, I skimped on taking care of myself and ultimately paid the price by relapsing with mono for the second time. Don’t let your health be compromised by your quarter-life crisis, and make sure you’re making the time to take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise regularly, and engage in mindful activities, like journaling or meditation. A healthy body nourishes a healthy mind and spirit.

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