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All too often we hear about the benefits of being in a relationship, and how being with someone makes us a better person.

What we don’t hear about as much though is how being single also has its benefits, some of which may outweigh those of being in a relationship.

Curious as to what they are? Here are 7 surprising benefits of being single.

7 Underestimated Benefits of Being Single

1. You get to do things on your own terms.  Though it may sometimes feel like you’re all alone when you’re single, take comfort in the fact that you’re not giving in to any pressures to be attached to someone, and that you don’t have to rely on anyone to feel complete. When you’re single and making decisions for you and you alone, you get to call the shots, and you get to do things on your own terms.

2. You have fewer demands and responsibilities. While being in a relationship has its perks, being single has plenty, as well. One of the most noteworthy benefits is that you’re not taking on added responsibilities that weren’t yours to begin with, like spending time with your would-be partner’s family, friends, and attending to their needs. All of these things take up a lot of your time and energy, but when you’re single, the only responsibilities you have are the ones you want.

3.  ‘Compromise’ is not a frequently used word in your vocabulary. If you’re someone that likes things to be a certain way, whether it’s having your own space, or just having “me” time, being single is great because you don’t have to give up these things. In other words, compromise is not something you have to do very much when you’re single. When you’re single, you don’t have to negotiate with anyone for what you want, whether it’s what to watch on Netflix or what to make for dinner.

4. You can focus on your friendships. When you don’t have a relationship to take up all your time and energy, you get to expend that energy in other relationships, including your friendships. Being single is an opportunity to see your friendships grow and thrive. Other relationships will come and go throughout your life, but friendships are the ones that truly stick, and the ones that are definitely worth the investment.

5.  You’ll sleep better. When you’re single, you don’t have to worry about someone who hogs the blankets or talks in their sleep. In fact, research has attested to this and found that single people sleep better than those in relationships. Getting better sleep is beneficial for your health in more ways than one. It provides you with improved focus throughout the day, more stamina, puts you in a better mood, and bolsters your overall health.

6. You’re more resilient. Being single can actually make you a stronger, more resilient person according to this study. Why? When you’re single, you have to fend for yourself and/or rely on your support network to help you out when the going gets rough.  This means that you’re a great problem solver, and you know how to look after yourself.

7. Its all about you, babe. When you’re in a relationshIp, most if not all of your free time goes to someone else. When you’re single, your free time is purely yours. You get to do what you want, when you want, and that’s a beautiful thing.

Read this to learn why it’s ok (and not selfish) to put your own needs first. 

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