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Negative thoughts can ruin your day quickly and easily. All it takes is one little pessimistic vibe and suddenly, we’re stuck in a negative thought pattern that is set on “repeat.”

When this happens, it may feel like we’re powerless to such thought patterns, especially when these patterns are rooted in our emotions. 

Thankfully, there are ways we can exert control over our negative thoughts, and even replace them with more positive patterns of thinking. 

Keep reading to learn how you can conquer your pessimistic thoughts, and reach a better, healthier head space. 

How to Overcome Negative Thought Patterns

1. Remember your role. It’s all too easy to let our minds trick us into believing that we’re powerless to negative thoughts, but remember your role here. You are not powerless, and only you are in charge of your mind. Only you can change your negative thought patterns. Remind yourself that you are indeed capable of letting go of these thoughts, but it’s up to you to make that decision. 

2. Stop wrestling with the negative. So much of the time we fight against the negative thoughts, rather than simply releasing them. We push against them and argue with our inner critic, which ultimately expends more energy and takes more time than simply releasing them. When you find yourself wrestling with pessimistic thoughts and you begin to grow weary, take a moment to reassess. You don’t have to fight them. Just acknowledge them and keep moving forward. 

3. Make every effort to understand the negative patterns. More often than not, our negative thoughts arise from underlying insecurities and worries. For example, continuing to worry about your job security may stem from the underlying issue of feeling a lack of control in your life. Dig deep into your pessimistic thoughts. Where are they coming from? What is their underlying message? 

4. Find an outlet for them. Once you’ve identified and understand where your negative thinking patterns are coming from, release them. Find an outlet for them, whether it’s going on a walk and talking it out with a friend, journaling, or even just listing out your worries one by one. The simple practice of removing them from your mind will make it easier to replace them with more positive thought patterns. 

5. Refocus your energy. When we become consumed with negativity in our minds, it’s easy to feel like we’re stuck in a rut and can’t get out. Sometimes all we need is a little time to sift through our thoughts and to let calmer mantras prevail. When you feel stuck like this, distract your thoughts. Start a new project. Run some errands. Or change up your environment. Return to your worries later when you feel more collected. 

6. Remember what you can and can’t control. So much of the time our negative thinking is a result of focusing on what we can’t control, rather than focusing on what we can control. When your thoughts starts spiraling like this, remind yourself of what you do have control over. For example, you may not be able to control your company laying off people, but you can take proactive steps to prepare yourself for the worst. Brushing up your resume, attending networking events, and maybe even sending out your resume to your network are all examples of positive steps you can take, rather than surrendering to your fears and negative thoughts. 

7. Find a positive for every negative. For every negative thought that surfaces in your mind, counter it with a positive one. For instance, if you’re dreading an upcoming exam, remind yourself of how great you’ll feel afterwards when it’s over. Introduce positive thoughts into your mindset to overcome any pessimistic thought patterns.

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