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The holidays may be one of the more joyous times of the year, but they’re also undoubtedly one of the more stressful times, especially when it comes to our relationships.

In fact, divorce lawyers see a spike in business shortly after the New Year, and social media platforms typically see a number of relationship status changes during this time of year, as well. It would seem that the holidays are especially hard for those of us that are in committed relationships.

Furthermore, relationships are not the only thing to deteriorate when we’re under stress. Our communication skills suffer as well, which can further compromise our relationships.

Luckily, there are a few ways you can not only survive the holidays as a couple, but also strengthen your relationship overall, no matter what obstacles arise. Learn how you and your partner can actually come out as a stronger couple from the holidays with these six tips.

How to Strengthen Your Relationship During the Holidays

1. Identify your likely stressors. When it comes to the holidays, you probably already have a pretty good idea as to what your triggers are. It may be that there are upcoming, stressful family get togethers, or you may have unrealistic expectations as to what the holidays should look like. Identify which potential stressors may come up between you and your partner. By thinking ahead like this, you’ll be able to prevent a surprise later on, while also giving you time to prepare.

2. Develop a strategy. Once you’ve identified your stressors, develop a strategy to practically and effectively address them for if/when they do come up. For example, if you know that certain family gatherings are likely to cause stress, determine what kind of boundaries you need to set with certain people. You’ll need to work together with your partner to create a strategy for every obstacle you anticipate, which will help to minimize its impact.

3. Make time for just the two of you. It’s all too easy to get sucked into the frenzy of the holiday season and neglect your relationship. No matter how busy you get though with work parties, family gatherings, and meeting end-of-year deadlines, make time for you and your partner to still have some couple time. If you’re strapped for time, get creative with your dates. Go on a walk for exercise together and check out the lights, or grab a coffee together in the morning before work. Use your time together as a way to relax and reconnect, and as a break from the holiday stress.

4. Start a new holiday tradition. It’s likely that you and your family already have well-established traditions. But this season, create a new tradition for you and your partner that is exclusive to your relationship. Create something together, and return to this tradition every year.

5. Find the humor. One of the best ways to counteract relationship stress is to find the humor. Loosen up, and take each other a little less seriously. Things don’t always go smoothly, and this is especially true around the holidays. Find ways to laugh about whatever slip-ups or unanticipated events occur.

6. Be flexible. We all know that the holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year, so why make it even more difficult by being harder on each other? This holiday season, try to show a little more flexibility with your partner, and give each other the benefit of the doubt. If you both can show support towards one another, any challenges you encounter will be far less likely to become a larger conflict.

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