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With the holiday season drawing to a close, it’s that time of year where many of us start to feel a case of the winter blues.

Our mood in the winter tends to mimic the mood of the season, so when the days become darker and colder, it isn’t uncommon to feel the same shift in our outlook on life.

Shorter days, colder temperatures, and less sunlight are all contributing factors when it comes to feeling blue in the winter. You may even feel like you have less energy or motivation where even the simplest of tasks, like getting out of bed in the morning, seems to be a struggle.

If any of these symptoms sound at all familiar to you, there are a few techniques you can utilize to fend off the winter blues this season. Here are some of the best methods when it comes to beating the winter blues.

5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

1. Cut back on sugary comfort foods. With all those cold, blustery days spent inside, it’s more than tempting to indulge ourselves in sugary, processed comfort foods. As tasty and as comforting as these foods may be though, their effects are very temporary and they ultimately reduce your positive neurotransmitter levels while causing inflammation. The result? Less energy, less motivation, and a serious case of the winter blues. Rather than giving into these comfort foods, nourish your body with plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables this winter. Not only will you have more energy, you’ll also feel a lot better overall.

Related: How to Get Over a Sugar Hangover Faster

2. Move as much as you can. There’s no doubt that exercising in the winter just doesn’t come as easily as it does in the summer. However, neglecting your physical health will only feed your winter blues. Exercise has been proven to be as effective at treating depression as antidepressants, and boasts a number of other health benefits. Tackle your winter blues head-on by exercising at least three to four times weekly. Go for a brisk walk with a friend. Do an at-home workout on YouTube, or try a new fitness class. 

3. Consider taking a vitamin D supplement.  Vitamin D is essential to our overall health and well-being. Not only does it support our immune system and fend off disease, it also is a proven mood booster. Lower levels of vitamin D have been consistently linked to depression, and with the reduced amount of sunlight we experience in the winter, it’s even harder for us to get enough of this vitamin.  Consider taking a vitamin D supplement in the winter to help beat the winter  blues, but consult with your health provider first. 

4. Get outside. Natural sunlight has a known track record for boosting our serotonin levels, which in turn raises our feel-good levels. Paired with the vitamin D from the sun, another natural mood lifter, being outside may be your best weapon when it comes to fighting the winter blues. 

5. Shift your mindset. With the colder temperatures outside, being stuck inside so much of the time, and general feelings of blah in the winter, it’s easy to get trapped in the mindset of thinking that winter is the worst time of the year. This winter though, try adjusting your mindset a little. The winter can be a time of rest and renewal. Just as nature needs a rest in the wintertime, so do we. Embrace this time to revitalize your health and nourish your spirit. Eat healthily. Take the time to meditate. Start a new book. Or build a new, healthful morning routine. Shift your mindset to see the winter as a time of rest and revitalization. 

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